Are you wondering whether we are capable of carrying out your dredging assignment? The answer is ‘yes’. We can handle anything with our large, modern, multi-functional ships. And, uniquely, each ship is manned and equipped for the full range of dredging tasks. That means optimum flexibility and efficiency.
Our ships are fully equipped with modern and powerful systems for all types of dredging work. We dredge for materials, but can also deepen harbour navigation channels. Thanks to Dynamic Positioning, we can trench dredge with pinpoint accuracy.
Shoreface nourishment
We can use the same ship to dredge sand and gravel and deposit the dry solids at the shoreface shortly afterwards. A unique combination. Our ships are equipped with efficient de-watering systems for separating the dry solids. Thanks to our innovative sieving system, we can immediately deliver the right composition and particle size to you. Because our ships are equipped with spud poles, delivery is quick and easy.
Rainbowing and ship-to-shore pumping
Our ships can be used for all dredging assignments, including rainbowing and ship-to-shore pumping. So our capabilities include coastal defence, raising foreshores and beaches. When rainbowing, we pump freshly dredged sand at high pressure out of a Jetnozzle mounted on the ship’s bow. This system can spray the wet sand up to 65 metres in front of the ship. If shallow waters prevent us from navigating to the area to be nourished, we can easily bridge a distance of 2.5 kilometres with our ship-to-shore pumping system.
Bottom door discharge
In areas where the water is sufficiently deep, we use a fast and efficient method to nourish foreshores: bottom door discharge. Our ships have a cargo hold fitted with a double floor. We can dump large amounts of sand or gravel at exactly the right place through a set of bottom doors, which can be opened independently of each other or simultaneously.
Reimerswaal Dredging